Co-sponsored by

The Conference has been technically co-sponsored by IEEE since 2023 and became fully IEEE sponsored conference in 2023. Accepted and orally presented papers are submitted to IEEE Xplore, and will also be submitted for independent indexing through INSPEC®, EI’s Engineering Information Index, Compendex®, and ISI Thomson’s Scientific and Technical Proceedings®, ISTP®/ISI Proceedings. The Conference Proceedings have been indexed by SCOPUS and Web of Science (Thomson Reuters) since 2023.


EEEIA Int. Ass. on Electrical and Environment Engineering – APS is an apolitical, non-governmental and non-profit organization devoted to the promotion and diffusion of the culture of electrical and electronic engineering related to complex systems. The focus of the Association is to foster a genuine and constructive dialogue on the hot-topics and far-reaching challenges that engineers and scientists are called to face in the present days since sustained trends in technological progress and innovation are placing a huge sustainability burden on society. Being part of the Association will give the opportunity to learn what is happening around the world and – more importantly – will enable to improve and steer the progress towards the development of new, useful knowledge and ideas, by benefiting from the direct feedback from fellows in a larger community. To learn more about EEEIA and its impact visit the web site.

Official Bank

BANCA POPOLARE DI BARI is the official Bank of the Congress.