EEE-AM 2023
1st Asia Meeting on
Environment and Electrical Engineering
IEEE EEE-AM is an international forum for the exchange of ideas and information on energy systems both today and in the future.
The conference provides a unique opportunity for industry to interact directly with university researchers, manufacturers and distributors of energy equipment and to discuss a wide variety of topics related to energy systems and environmental issues.
The conference is technically and financially sponsored and organized by IEEE (Italy Section).
The scope of the Conference is to promote a forum, where researchers and engineers involved with electrical power systems may exchange their experiences and present solutions found for present and future problems. The conference offers prominent academia and industrial practitioners from all over the world the forum for discussion about the future of electrical energy and environmental issues and presents a base for identifying directions for continuation of research.
The Conference has been technically co-sponsored by IEEE since 2023. Accepted and orally presented papers are submitted to IEEE Xplore, and will also be submitted for indexing through INSPEC®, EI’s engineering information index, COMPENDEX®, and ISI Thomson’s scientific and technical proceedings®, ISTP®/ISI proceedings. The conference proceedings have been indexed by Scopus and by Web of Science (Thomson Reuters) since 2023.
The Asia Meeting on Environment and Electrical Engineering 2023 (EEE-AM 2023) is part of the established annual International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (IEEE EEEIC) series and will be organized for the first time in Asia in the beautiful and dynamic city of Hanoi, Vietnam, during from 13th to 15th November 2023 in hybrid mode. This year’s Asia edition of the conference will focus on the theme “Accelerating the Energy Transition”.
Since 2023 the conference is fully sponsored by IEEE.Also this year the conference received the technical co-sponsorship by three well-known IEEE international societies: Electromagnetic Society (EMC), Industrial Application Society (IAS), and Power and Energy Society (PES), along with the technical support of the IEEE Poland Section and the financial support of the IEEE Italy Section.
The conference is a worldwide scientific guiding conference devoted to understand all the present-state matters between electrical engineering and environmental aspects. Delegates from university, industry, governmental and non-governmental organizations providers will present their views on hot-topics strictly related to the environmental-electrical engineering pair. Everyone knows the far-reaching challenges that we must face in the present days: if the current trends in technological progress and innovation continue, the demand for energy will be greater and greater and adverse environmental effects will make feel their burden shortly.
EEE-AM aims to be a groundbreaking conference where the participants can help through their contributions in reshaping burning issues on the table, such as renewable energy production, energy storage, smart grids management, smart buildings, energy conversion, sustainable transport systems, EMC control in lightning and grounding systems, novel materials and nanotechnology. These problems must be faced by keeping in mind that the development of future leading technologies is the key to meet the present economic challenges. The conference further aims at providing an overview of the scientific, technical, economic, and social issues of electrical engineering applications in the light of related environmental effects in order to give an impetus to the green economy and present new perspectives in this area. The conference will provide a forum for leading corporate, academic and governmental people to discuss recent developments and set up collaborations.
The three-day international conference will consist of plenary talks and oral presentations by international experts, as well as poster sessions.
The 1st edition of the IEEE Asia Meeting on Environment and Electrical Engineering will include original technical and social events.