04. Plagiarism
Authors are required to submit material that is original and that has not been published, or submitted for consideration, elsewhere. Authors who plagiarize the work of others–who copy the work of another without attribution or appropriate documented permission–shall be subject to sanctions by IEEE. Such behavior not only constitutes a misdeed, but may be actionable by IEEE under the rules of Member Conduct. Instances of suspected or documented plagiarism shall immediately be brought to the attention of the Technical Program Chair of the meeting for notification to IEEE.
In addition, authors who make duplicate submissions shall be subject to additional sanctions. Duplicate submission shall be defined as:
1. Crossover of 50% or more in the material of two or more manuscripts;
2. Submission of the same manuscript to more than one conference
Authors may expand and develop technical meeting papers into journal submissions. However, the authors must cite the technical meeting submission(s) and describe the enhancements made in the journal submission from the technical meeting paper.
The sanctions for duplicate submissions are:
1. All manuscripts discovered to be duplicate submissions shall be immediately REJECTED;
2. All authors (that is, any single, paired, or group of authors) of the duplicate submission(s) shall be prevented from submitting new manuscripts for the period of one year from the date of sanction; and
3. Any author(s) of duplicate submission(s) with papers in review will have his/her/their manuscripts returned to them immediately, regardless of the stage of peer review. In this way, innocent co-authors will not be harmed by having their manuscript rejected; but the manuscript(s) will automatically be classified as withdrawn from consideration.